Problem With Samsung TV Volume Not Working: Ultimate Guide Fix Here

Samsung TV Volume Not Working


Sometimes users get frustrated when the Samsung TV volume not working. Without volume, how can you watch your favorite shows? It is always crucial to know the reasons and solutions for the Samsung TV sound not working. When you know the specific causes of the issue, you can quickly solve the problem. The most common reasons are a faulty speaker, an HDMI cable broken, and many others.


Causes of Samsung TV Volume Not Working

Samsung TV Sound not working because you accidentally muted the sound or because we turned the volume down too low. There is also a chance that the TV’s audio output is connected to an amplifier or external speakers that are not turned on. Sometimes there is also a chance that your TV’s audio output is attached to a source that does not have audio connected to it.


Faulty Remote Control

Most of the time the primary cause of a Samsung TV’s volume not working is a faulty remote control. It occurs when your TV volume is unresponsive suddenly. There is a need to check that your remote control is functioning properly. Sometimes there is also the chance that the issue is in your remote.


Loose Cables or Connections

The other reason for a Samsung TV’s volume not working is a loose connection between the TV and the remote control. You can check all the cables and connectors to ensure they are securely connected. After this, you can also change or replace the cables.


Power Surge

Sometimes there are power surges or electrical issues that disrupt the proper functioning of a Samsung TV. When your TV’s volume stops working suddenly, try unplugging the TV from the power outlet and plugging it back in. It resets the TV’s internal settings and resolves the issue. There is the chance of a larger electrical problem that needs to be evaluated by a professional if the volume still doesn’t work.


Software Glitch

Sometimes a Samsung TV’s volume stops working due to a software glitch or an update error. There is a need to resolve this issue. You can try updating the TV’s software to the latest version. If this doesn’t work, you can also reset the TV to its factory settings. You can try unplugging the TV and then plugging it back in to see if that helps.


Hardware Failure

Sometimes there is a chance of hardware failure, so you are facing a Samsung TV’s sound not working issue. It occurs because of a faulty HDMI cable or a faulty TV’s audio output. There is a chance of a faulty TV speaker or a damaged audio cable.


Best Ways to Fix Samsung TV Volume Not Working

Ways to Fix Samsung TV Volume Not Working

It is always crucial to fix the Samsung TV volume not working with the proper method. When you know the specific reasons for the issue, you can quickly fix the problem with the methods below.


Check the Volume Buttons on Your Remote

There are several reasons, including wear and tear, defects, or liquids seeping into the volume buttons. You can test this by tapping on both volume buttons, and some other buttons on your remote. There is a problem with the volume button if the latter still triggers responses. It is critical to get the volume buttons repaired by an expert technician.


Check the Batteries of Your Remote

Sometimes remote batteries die prematurely, even if you inserted them recently or fall out of alignment with a remote’s contacts. The downside to using rechargeable is that they last longer than alkaline batteries. Replace your existing batteries by removing them and reinserting them. Try inserting a fresh set if that doesn’t work.


Reset Your Samsung TV Smart Hub

When you reset your Smart Hub, it restores your TV to factory defaults and erases all its settings. There is a need to log into your apps again and set up your TV from scratch.

  • You can access support by going to Settings on your TV remote. To reset the Smart Hub, go to Self Diagnosis and select Reset Smart Hub.
  • You can enter your PIN via a pop-up message. Most likely, you haven’t changed the default PIN, which is “0000.”.
  • Now your Samsung TV is resetting your Smart Hub settings.

After this, you can check whether the issue of volume is fixed or not.


Open Path Between Remote and TV

Infrared lighting is used to communicate between the Samsung TV and the remote control, resulting in an invisible yet linear connection. When the remote cannot see the TV directly at your location, the volume simply does not respond. There is a need to establish a direct line from the correct position. Sometimes we connect multiple remotes to a single set. While this provides variety, it can also cause confusion about which one controls the volume. To manipulate the sound, make sure you are using the correct remote.


Check Your Apps

Samsung TV volume is not working because of its programming. Many streaming units run into quirky issues with their apps, including Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire Stick, and others. Some of them don’t have volume at certain times, which is a common problem.
The easiest way to diagnose this is to exit the app you suspect is causing the problem and enter a new one. You can clear the cache of your streamer’s settings menu if the volume on the other app works fine. Samsung TVs come with their applications, so many users use those instead of additional accessories.

We can control these through the Smart Hub on the TV. By exiting the application and trying another one, you can determine whether the app is experiencing a problem or if it’s a TV issue.


Delete Apps to Free Up Memory

You also start experiencing issues with the TV once you get close to the memory limit, such as the volume going down or the TV turning on its own. Your first step is to go through your apps and get rid of those you don’t need. It could be an app that you loaded out of curiosity or one you don’t use much. When you delete the apps, it gives more breathing room for the TV system overhead. It also solves the Samsung TV sound not working.


Check Your Samsung TV Sound Output

You can easily verify that the sound output says TV speaker in Settings, then select the Sound tab. It is also necessary to change this setting if you use an external audio device like a soundbar or a home stereo system. Sometimes it does not produce any sound when those equipment pieces are currently powered off, and you usually watch TV with them. After this, you can check whether the Samsung TV sound not working is fixed or not.


Power Cycle Your Samsung TV

It’s never a bad idea to turn off and on again. When your TV won’t turn on, this method fixes over 90% of common, minor problems. It is a simple process. You can unplug your TV for a few seconds. You can turn off the TV and press the power button (not the remote) for 10 seconds before plugging it back in. Now you can check if the volume is working perfectly or not.


Update the TV’s Software

Outdated software on your Samsung TV can also cause audio problems. To fix this issue, you can try updating the TV’s software:

  • You can update your software by navigating to Settings > Support > Software Update and then choosing Update.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to download and install any available firmware updates.
  • Now, Auto Update also needs to be toggled if it isn’t already.
  • After the update is complete, check if the TV’s volume is working again.


Factory Reset Your Samsung TV

When your TV doesn’t have a volume problem all the time, you can try restoring factory settings. You need to consult your Samsung manual (a paper copy that came with your set or one from Samsung’s website) for instructions on how to reset your TV. Here you can follow the steps below to hard reset.
You can hard reset your Samsung TV system if you have no other choice:

  • Select Settings from the menu
  • After that, some models are supported (general).
  • Here, you can select Self Diagnosis.
  • Finally, select Reset.

Follow any prompts presented to complete the process. You can be asked to enter your PIN. The Samsung TV will be reset to factory settings once you enter your PIN.


Reset Your TV Sound Settings

It doesn’t hurt to reset sound settings, regardless of whether a test finds a problem. You can reset your sound by going to Settings > Sound > Expert Settings and choosing Reset Sound. You can check if the volume control is back for broadcast TV and/or your favorite apps before customizing options again. In this way, you can determine if it’s a specific setting that’s causing the problem. Now you can check whether the Samsung TV volume not working is fixed or not.


Final Words

You can use the above methods to solve Samsung TV volume not working. Users need to follow all the steps accordingly, so it becomes easier for you to fix it. This is because each step fixes a specific issue, and we skip if one step, the issue can not be resolved. Each step tests a certain aspect of the TV, and if one test fails, the issue is not resolved and also read: LiFPii

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